Saturday, December 27, 2008

BOO !(:

christmas concert is over . was damm fun . five months passed so fast . all th preparation and all . at first look at schedule almost everyday have den lyk abit sian . but all th hard work and effort put in by all is worth it . getting th disc tmr . th first time im watching it . everytime is back stage slacking and talking or dunno wad .. thru th concert .. made new friends . talk to th ppl more . stonger bond between friends . and th best one . relation with bro improve damm lots .
well .. i guess th concert was a great sucess .. PULSE's th best !
tmr's th pulse BBQ .. time to play lyk xiao .. other den sec one orientation haven't played with so many ppl le . .. tmr's th day to play ! finished makin steph's card le .. shawn still haven't send me ben's pics .. den cant do his card ..
aniway he's coming back on th 31th so stil got time to wait ..
all of us wait 6 months for him come back den he changing cell .. wads tis lorr ..

Everything - Lifehouse (cover) - Mimay

Find me here
And speak to me
I want to feel You
I need to hear You
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place
Where I find peace again

You are the strength
That keeps me walking
You are the hope
That keeps me trusting
You are the life
To my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything

And how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this
(Ahh Yeahhh)

You calm the storms
And You give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You steal my heart
And You take my breath away
Would You take me in
Would You take me deeper, now

And how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this

And how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this

Cause you're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
Everything, everything...

When how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would you tell me how could it be
Any better than this

Oh And how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better any better than this

And how can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this

Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this....

tis th best one i could find .. maybe wanna go youtube search .. there got more nicer ones ..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

BOO ! (:

finally got th links part done .. spent super long juz doin it ..
aniway . tis post will mostly be on pics .. not much words . let th pics do th talkin , ya (:

Kids Camp' 08 . our master pieces ! th 2 in th bottom right corner is mine . nice ? haha . View taken frm th bridge thingy on th way to hort park .

GB camp . frm L to R . th blue & yellow shoes ! th red ones not done yet . th HDB . things me n yun did when we're bored . play with th phone camera and take pics

some of th cultural pot pics ..
Yun & me . and th two dearies , Songyi and Petrina .

Wanxin , Jensi , Me , Allan , William , Jiawei , Jianle , Yijin and Yunmin .
Benedict's missing .. Mdm Teo too ..

can you tell wad we're trying to do ?

and th first guy is mr foo . short of one person and he gang hao walk past so get him to be one of th alphabets .
we're spelling C-A-R-E-F-O-R-C-E

th end (:
concert's in three days !
can't wait .
PULSE jiayou !
we can do it !

thnewestaddiction . careforce . wecareforyou . haha .careforcerawks . sodoesmusicandED .

Saturday, December 20, 2008

BOO ! (:

ytd went for th Sec one orientation thingy ..
super fun ..
reached sku bout seven plus . met th rest outside GO . went set up th booth thingy and th parents and students started coming . th questions they asked all th same .. is lyk repeating over n over again .. when all of them went up to th hall , we started takin pics and crap among ourselves .. got jump shots and lot more . william still haven send ..
saw quite a few of my pri sku de ppl .. heard frm them alot go RV . RV good mehh .. NH veh bad mehh .. all go RV for wad .. juz

caz its gonna shift to boon lay soon ? and its near their house .. NH also quite near wad ..
lunch was ........ th potatoes tasted funny .. n th chicken not really nice .
after everything went to sky garden played games . super fun .
thx for th fun day . luv all you guys . careforce is th best .
bussed home wid yunmin . fell asleep in th bus .. bud din miss stop . yaye . haha .

goin for rehearsal later . concert's coming ! its on wednesday ! love th concert ! damm nice .

anyway . here's th link to th trailer .

hope ur can come for th concert .

here's some of th pics .
koup-ed frm yijin .

no no no .. we're not doin drills .. we're game-ing ! look carefully . spot th bottle (:


Friday, December 12, 2008

BOO ! (:

new wing of jurong point opened le .. muz go SKIN FOOD and support kaays . though expensive , give support ,ya . n also th al-joyous fashion thingy . support these two (:
went last nite .. minitoons and mini bits haven't open .. wanna go there .. went to sum shop sellin acessories . saw this pair of earring . all th others put $8.90 and only tis particular one put $2 . talked among ourselves . if we go ask th shop de ppl they sae $2 den we pay and faster go off . so went ask them how much . and they said two den okaay . we pay and go off ..
currently lookin for more earrings and acessories and those crystal thingies tt can paste on fone .. other than arab street , where else can buy th crystals ? anyone know ?

tis month practically playin every week .. hope nxt year de schedule dun play for first few weeks . i will crazy .. christmas time all th christmas songs .. play till ....
dunno how play one song only ma .. i how many years younger than you . yes . i respect you . your drum de skills superb bud come on la .. i duno th song you juz tell me . " go download more songs " wad kind of songs luhh .. sum japalang songs also can luhh .. bud thanks for singing luhh .. i really dunno th song kaay .. and for STOMP . thx for creatin everything . frm nth to sth . and its great . bud pls be more friendly can .. th dumb thing is tt i respect you yet kinda scared of you in a way ..

tmr stil needa go for sum dunno wad thingy ... super last minute luhh .. cannot find ppl den come find me .. thanks alot lorr ..

iwantmydoseofdrama . imissallyouguysandgals . school'sstartingsoon .cantwaittoseeallofuragain (:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

BOO ! (:

IWANTTOSLEEP ........................
last nite/mornin slept at i tink almost two .. woke up at seven .. ran thru songs once and rushed out of th hse lerh .. who knows all th bus come so fast .. reach super early luhh .. sat at bench dere stone till bout 8.30 den went in to set up th stuffs ..
today is cold de lorr .. weather gettin colder .. screwed up th first song .. played alot of wrong notes .. zhiqiang stil sae verii nice .. im lyk super disappointed with today de playin lorr ..
after service whole cell came my hse watch sum video thingy .. and i fell asleep .. aft tt go back for rehearsal .. before tt went th tamah jurong cc eat lunch .. th third floor one of th stall th ginseng soup is good .. followed yun to 7-11 aft tt to buy drinks .. no mood answer any calls .. juz let th fone ring and ring n den i went to reject it .. sorry caleb .. i know th whole stomp team was waitin for me .. really no mood today lorr .. durin th rehearsal th parts where its not stomp de turn all sittin behind talkin .. suddenly Josh sae ' sacharissa verii guai lehh . dun understand wad we talkin about ..' i lookin in ur de direction also dun mean i listenin ma .. tink tt time my face was kinda gong and whole mind is blank de .. aft rehearsal finish came home and im sleepy bud dun wanna sleep ..
later goin out again .. dun feel lyk goin ..
oh well ..
see ur tmr (: at paul ling's weddin if ur going ..

let'shopetomorrowwillbebetter ..
tomorrowwillbeabetterday ..

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


camps are all over .. maybe i'll start studyin .. see mood first ..
gb camp was better den kids camp .. th kiddies easier to control and group smaller ..
kids camp got tis super th ............. guy in my group .. sae wad oso dunwan listen de . all th leaders oso give up on him .. he only scared of camp commander/commandant .. at first was in yang's group .. n he made yang super angry .. yang is always happy happy de den first time saw him angry .. aft tt dunno why second day suddenly transfer into my grp .. playin outdoor games halfway den started to rain .. aft th rain continued playin .. he go pick up a leaf frm th ground n started making my face .. its lyk i also never do anything to you rite .. come make me for wad .. looked forward to th last day of camp . and yaye . it finally came . slept for super long aft th camp den went out wid minhui , yun , debra , lynnest and Jo for dinner ..

gb camp . only got one super hard to control de .. smart kiddies .. only took less den half an hour to finish learning th dance and cheers .. cheer took less den a minute . really . instead of always gettin t-shirts for camps tis time round we got SHOES ! and its painted by ourselves too ! so fun .. din get to do my own shoes though .. was asked to teach one grp how to do theirs caz i did tt design before .. th camp commandant help me do lehh .. haha .. summore she is veh experienced de .. luv th shoes so much .. so nice .

christmas concert is coming .. everyone jiayou ! th concert will be a sucess !

dunno who go touch my earpiece .. now one part is missing .. thanks so much lorr .. now i cant use it le ..
went buy wan go paul ling weddin wear de clothes ytd .. spent less den $30 for th top .. for formal de tis i tink is th cheapest le .. summore its nice .. haha .. shall play round wid other clothes to come up wid sth ..

dun tink can go klass party le .. at nite got rehearsal .. those who going enjoy (:

now to go eat brunch ..

Thursday, November 27, 2008

BOO ! (:

tmr goin for camp again .. im still sick .. all th leader is durin th camp sick n yun is rite after th camp den sick .. tmr camp only two days .. fun nite stil haven't tink bout it .. yun got min to help her .. gotta start tinkin lerh .. i know nuts bout dance ..i only know music .. haha ..
kids camp was fun .. aft th camp went for ED bbq at jocelyn's hse th nxt day.. and on tuesday went to th zoo .
asked so many ppl go and only ONE responded .. so th ppl who went consisted of : Nichol , Alicia , Yu Jun , Vivian , Me , Michelle and quan jie . yepps . he's th only one who responded to th mass msg i sent out bout lyk eleven plus liddat and responded to it th next day .. first time go zoo so fun ..
Quanjie : hoped you enjoyed urself . and din get scared by us .. haha .. ED is all liddat de .. hahaha .
spent pratically th whole day st church ytd .. spent th afternoon doin up th stage and backdrop .. 3 ppl only .. pathetic rite .. bud we still managed to finish . when they puttin th cloth thingy to th ceiling went to play piano .. i short ma .. cant reach .. dunno why started playin tong hua .. and den roger started singing ... aft awhile guess wad he said .. lyk doin charity show liddat .. caz th ladder abit too short den he need stretch and paste th cloth and he's singing at th same time .. went home for piano .. met a super kute ah ma at th bus stop while waiting for th bus .. aft tt went back in th nite for th first full rehearsal .. tired bud fun .. stomp finalle worked out th first one . there's still another one . jiayous ! yi ding ke yi de !
i shall try to start liking my klass .. kelmond's in my klass again .. so tt means we'll be in same klass for seven years .. hahaha .. i know half th klass only .. n i sumhow dun lyk th other half .. hahaha ..

off to pack my bag and tink of th dance ...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BOO ! (:

dun tink you can come ka chiau ED ppl and den get away with it . lemme tell you . you mess wid one of us you get it from all of us . so you better stop wadeva ur doin i tell you . hate me if you wan bud i tell you i dun gif a damm . you know veh well im talkin bout you . yes you . and u better stop it . hate us all you wan . you tink we care . no we dont . nichol dear already told me wad you've done . so u better stop all tis okaay . ED may be small bud we're united .

max hope you dun mind . took all tis to comment bout .

"Anyway other Potpourri there was something I'm feeling rather happy about. Only drama peeps will know. Damn funny. It got to do with Zhao Peiqi. And Nichol (aka Nicholmon and her special power is "Nichol Nichol Nichol" lol I know we're lame) is on a campaign that has to do with Peiqi."
yepps .we're onto something so watch out . we may be small bud dun underestimate us .
"EDC rocks! "
agreed 100%

"p/s I'm not a health freak so what? And yes I'm disgusting and stupid so what? And I'm not nice to others and like to care what people eat so what? I like to post my msn chat so what? I have no sense of humour and cannot take jokes so what? And I'm very ungentlemanly SO WHAT??? This is me so if you don't like then too bad lor. Why should I change myself to accomodate you? Why should we change what we are just to accomodate you? The last time I checked, I'm pretty sure you are not the king. Just leave me alone, don't disturb me. "
come on la . we all know how max is like okaay . max is a nice guy . wadeva we post on our blogs is our problem rite . we have th choice and freedom to post wadeva we want to rite . and if you seriously dun like th way we are den too bad . caz you know why . that's th way we are and that's how we will be . dun like us . That's juz too bad for you . and why on earth shld we cahnge accomodate you . that's juz th way we are and we wont change th way we are for one person rite .. and obviously u aren't th king . so please . stop ka chiau-ing us okaay .

yepps . small bud united . that fact will never change . and all of you will forever be loved .

stop ka chiau-ing us okaay . so free go ka chiau other ppl that are as free as you . read already wan hate me den hate la . u tink i care . i dun care .

and to end tis . lemme tell u sth . why i hate CD so much . lemme tell you .one of ur member insulted ED rite in front of me . dun believe den go ask ur people .tis is wad ur member said " and i tot chinese drama was bad . " come on . th ppl performing are juz sec ones . and its their first time performing in front of th sku too . they won sth at th dunno wad lit competition thingy and done th sku proud okaay . whole year round . wad do we see . juz th same ppl doin cross talk . come on . cant ur come up with sth more fun , fresh and exciting ? instead of juz usin th rest of th ppl durin cultural pot .
hate me ? hate den . i tell you i dun care one bit at all . wanna hate ED go ahead . wanna hate our members . go ahead . wads stopping you .

and i have finished ventin all me anger .
time to head to lalaland .
and den enjoy myself at camp th next few days .
shall enjoy myself wid all th little kiddies .

ED rocks and will always be number one in my heart .
nothing will ever change its position .
ED is loved and will always be .
ED is my life .

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BOO ! (:

cultural pot so damm fun . tis year no more back stage le . no more crew . bud im acting . hahaha . pratically is th whole drama acting . we small so wad .. its nice . we got mo qi . not lyk sum other cca .. comments frm my father : " th behind de ppl not organised . never pei he properly and no th stuff at th same time . "
super happy luhh . th " hhhemm " can be heard . usually they sae its to soft .. now can hear and is no mike de . hahaha .
dunno how spell la .. anihow spell de .. feel so cheng gong . hahaha . summore is jia ying . dunno why on fri run thru lines den suddenly th hhhheeemmmm become high pitch de and he sae he wan tt kind of pitch for CP .. tt time wasn't really payin attention .. was using fone .. so is anihow de .. and kinda soft .. haha ..
Beefy de blusher i put de . nice ? hahaha . make him look lyk pikachu .. he good lorr .. he fair den dun nid put foundation .. others all muz put .. i luv th eye shadow Joey did for me . super nice . its blue and white . verii verii nice . den aft puttin all th make up to make th lipstick more even went to "kiss" th tissue .. the shape come out damm nice uh .. den alvin t
ook it and i duuno wad on earth did he do with it .i wan take pic de lorr .. super nice can .. aft performance alvin , me , winnie , nichol ,grace , zi jing , jocelyn , joey , vivian and jiayi stayed back for th finale thing . finale super stoopid . stand dere lyk idiot smile big big and clap clap clap ..
before that was sittin backstage and th ten of us were talkin . sec3s were sayin how they watched us grow up frm first time they saw us in drama till now .. joce started cryin .. tears started to come out to bud was tryin super hard to ren . caz of th make up den stil got finale . after finale and everything th ten of us become verii high all jump jump jump .. den went home .
reached sku at 6.30 .. veh early luhh . wad time we left sku . 8 plus . wonderful . den stayed till ten plus at night . good thing is dun need go back sku . sku looks super creepy at night . reach home eleven plus
whole time in dressin room , tell ghost stories , play games , do wadeva u wan .. stil rmb before th prac for finale became super tired . sat on th floor and juz fell asleep .. those who makin hell lot of noise while i sleepin ur good . tankyew hejin for askin them to shuddup when you noticed i was sleepin .. eyes cant open bud stil can hear . haha . came back .went to eat dunno lunch or dinner .. lunch was so much better den dinner . got chilli and th food is better .
make up is still on .. eye shadow faded le .. super nice .. they sae i glam .. dunno true not luhh .. not true oso dun care .. enjoyed myself can le .. hahaha ..
MR LIM ! u bad . we all sae aft perform wan take foto le .. dun gif us mian zi .. hahaha .. hmph .. you muz go for drama bbq n zoo horr . and Mr Lim is my new husband . th name's AMELIA . super chio and kute
gal . nice to hug too . dunno how on earth did i become mrs lim and wad on earth th gay tinkin when he gave me th mrs lim name .. super dun lyk it luhh .. asked grace to change and she forgot ..

basically , our skit takes place in Nan Hua Land . and in th land , there's a hair salon , beefy th builder , and prata man shop . grace will intro all th main characters : prata man [winnie] , beefy [ alvin ] , mrs beefy [ vivian ] and Hennah [ nichol ] and dunno why intro me th stoopid extra .. who only got one line .. haha . den prata man accidentally broke th ozone layer caz of th new invention , th prata ball . den PM gets help from Beefy . together with th rest of th villagers , they throw another giant prata up to mend th hole . and yaye ! th villagers save th day ! hahahah . den is th song and dance and th end !

so if u dun understand or tink no link please read and try to understand . stil dun understand come ask us . we're all over th sku . every level sure have de . hahaha .
time to go wash off make up and head to lalaland . super deprived of sleep . haha . lets hope my fone doesn't ring caz im gonna sleep till super late tmr .. most prob im gonna ignore th fone if it rings .. if urgent k
.eep calling and i may juz pick up ur call if im in th mood to . hahaha .
joy koh said th foto th finale ppl took gonna be put into sku mag .. i look lyk a freak in th pics luhh .. dun go see if its published .. will upload foto's of CP when i get ppl to send them to me (:

juz a few random shots first ..with teddybear(: , wid mum , wid my evil twin merged into one person and wid my bro lookin real retarded . guess retardedness runs in th blood .. hahaha . i look so freaky in th pic ..

tankyewdearestforurcompliment . imnotbeautifulluhh . imamonster . budthanksloadsaniwayformakingmehappy . hahaha . luvya ! getwellsoon,ya ! (:

Monday, November 17, 2008

jason's goin crazy over christmas de rehearsals ..
juz read his lj ..
and everyone's havin th bo chup attitude ..
one more mth ..
haven started full rehearsal yet ..
jason , it isn't entirely ur fault ..
its everyones .
everyone has a part to play .
really sorii ..
will really work harder for STOMP and th props .
sorry jason ..
sorry ...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

BOO ! (:

kids camp starts on friday .im so not ready for it . dun really lyk th leader im workin wid .. dunno why .. juz dun lyk .. th other assistant leader still can . Issac dance veh nice . he teach th kiddies frm th grp can le . i still not veh sure .. th steps verii egypt-tian .. song veh robot .. not catchy enough .. den following week GB camp le .. im so dead .. haven tink of th dance .. also need cheers .. people i need help . any suggestions ? grp name : topaz . camp theme : his story and I . desperate for help ..
gotta get over with cultural pot and den start concentratin on GB camp .. i really need help and inspiration .. lets hope can koup some cheers frm kids camp .. and tt junhao can come up with sth .. im an idiot with creatin dances . i need help .. all th dances tt i've danced is created by others .. i is juz learn frm them .. love th youth camp de dance .. so fun .. haha ..
roger u better send me th songs faster .. call me play on th spot i go crazy for you to see . i nid time to practice de . jiayou for bein th whole 3 days de song leader ! haha .
first day goin old folks home .. so fun .. haha .. den dunno wad day go dunno wad hill walk walk .. veh fun correct dy ..
GB camp is can bring alot of things home de .. all th crafts .. so fun .. can paint shoes too . gonna paint it pastel blue with ladybugs ! super kute ! haha .
now to concentrate on cultural pot ..

iwanttheblisterstohealbyitselfnow .theyhurt . dammtheshoesthatgavemeblisters . butistilllikethatpairofshoes . sonice . ifyougoculturalpotmaybeyou'llgettoseethem . hahaha .

i hate th klass allocation .. damm th system or wadeva tt came up with it ..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

BOO ! (:

cultural pot .. 5 days more .. tomorrow gonna get th tixs .. dunno if stil haf anot ..
aft cultural pot im gonna be so tired .. now aft evey practice reach home only i lie on th sofa dun wan move animore .. den veh fast fall asleep ..
today got full dress rehearsal . mengyeow i know you saw all th costumes . forget everything that you saw okaay .
tmr whole day again .. den at nite go Sabrina hse eat and play . yaye ! hahaha . cell bonding .. haha .. we cook dinner by ourselves and den eat . so fun . bud i'll only reach at six plus .. and they go buy ingredients at five plus .. not fun .. by th time i reach i tink finish cookin dy lorr ..
aft cultural pot drama gonna go eat tgt den go home ! sure reach home after midnight .
Jocelyn sae drama tee will try to be out before cultural pot den all wear to cultural pot . maybe its possible .den again maybe not .. drama tee drag one whole year den finally out . hot pink and black .
HOT PINK + SUNGLASSES = .........................
hahahaha . super gay luhh ..
maybe you'll know who im talkin about den again maybe not.

ED doesn't get gold with honours bud it gets gold wid ernnie ..
inside stuff ..
if ur there when we said tt maybe u'll understand . if not try figurin it out . hahaha .

holidays for wad i dunno . now is become rehearse for CP lyk xiao and involved in so many things .. got two camps coming up .. den christmas concert .. and den sec one orientation . maybe there's more .. see wad roger nice enuf to give me .. haha .

time to sleep !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY ! May all ur wishes come true and all th best !!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

BOO ! (:


Blogshop is done .
support please .
thankyou . (:
if ur using firefox to view it sum things cant be seen . so use IE (:

here's th link ! (:

BOO ! (:

cultural pot is coming ! got ur tixs yet ? haha ..
only managed to get steph and a few ppl frm cell to come ..
roger still tinkin bout it ..
christmas concert coming too ! super fun . when i finally find th usb cable den upload th pic of th poster here .. come kaay . its fun and wonderful . haha . dance is nice . storyline is fantastic . and STOMP is juz too good . haha .
tmr muz bring costume options .. still haven't decided wad to wear .. maybe for both P.Ling wedding and cultural pot i'll wear same thing . haha . den again maybe not .. shall play around with wad i haf ..

going crazy over STOMP . its juz wonderful . plus all th people in it .WeiYang , ZhiQiang , Josel , Joshua , Charis , Mandy ,Caleb , and i cant rmb who else . brain not workin . super fun luhh . from pails and spoons and forks and pots and pans can come up with so many different types of music . damm nice . went youtube search for STOMP vids and den realized that we watched STOMP vids before in music lessons .. n i wasn't interested in them at all .. now is kinda addicted .. hahaha ..
and i needa go get ppl for props . and i dun even know wad props we're supposed to have and make .. liddat how to do ..
let's hope th concert is a success .
practices are on sat and sun .. if i really do get tt job den i dun needa go out animore ..

piano time ! i love my exam pieces ! hahaha ..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

BOO ! (:

fishball juz left ..haha .. original plan was to go JP watch high school budden not showin anymore and th only thing round that time was Sing to th dawn .. din watch movie .. went to walk round JP instead .. went toys r us . started at th soft toys dere den as we went further either we became more childish or more high . you know all those baby dolls den u press got sound de .. went play with them .. laugh until .... JP havin sum organ donation de thingy den got ppl performing .. ur rmb music lesson we watch th thingy den got tis guy called Raj .. he was performing .. listen awhile den went popular .. flipped thru sum book .. veh funny .. all th signs and how it phrased .. den fishball came my house . looked thru all of my foto albums when i was a kid till k2 i tink .. saw a foto of me in th washing machine and wondered how on earth i got into th washing machine den mum said i climbed in myself .. said got chair dere den i climbed in .. and when i was small also climbed into a drawer and sat in it and started pulling all th towels inside th drawer out .. noticed all th fotos if got Aloy inside he'll always be huggin me and den now he dun really care me anymore .. Lex also .. grandma told me last time he said i was his bao bei and den will always love me and take care of me den wont let anyone bully me . haha . now he is 24h with comp lorr .. den maths dunno mummy n grandma ask me help him and everytime im dere he'll be stuck to th com maple-ing .. wad so fun bout maple ah ? i dunno lehh .. Fel also super cute . Johnson is kuku de .. haha .. juz realized that i actually got alot of fotos wid grandfather .. juz tt i dunno caz mum never showed me all those albums till today ..
FISHBALL . feel honoured . caz no one else saw all those pics . hahaha . now you know how i was like frm baby till now (: hahaaha ..

shallattempttofinishsettingupthblogshoptoday . letshopeicanfinishit . pleasesupportwhenitsdone . tankyew .

Thursday, November 6, 2008

U fishball .
U strawberry .
U human .
U wadeva you are .

BOO ! (:

finally got drama .. and cultural pot is one week plus more away .. maybe im gonna change 'costume' ba .. colour crash wid Nichol de .. budden dun haf bright colour de clothes le .. shall tink bout it again ..
slept till quite shuang today .. woke up veh late .. den went IMM . went to look for viv dear budden dear today not workin .. look round th shop den went to buy dinner .. asked th guy if got age limit to work in th place and he sae muz sixteen .. den sae wait two more years .. i wait summore i go crazy dy .. everyday at home oso dunno wad to do .. went to pick bro aft tt ..
and now to do CMY quiz to entertain myself .. haha ..

first quiz
Starting time: 8.56p.m.
Name: Sacharissa
Sisters: none
Brothers: one
Shoe size: 41 i tink ..
Height: 160cm++ (dunno exact)
Where do you live: somewhere on earth
Favourite drink: most probably green tea ..
Favourite breakfast: dunno ..
Have you ever been on a plane: once.
Do you smile often: dunno ..
Are your toenails painted: used to be . now no .. not till i find a nice colour ..
Whose bed other than yours would you want to sleep in: my bro . my parents . idk .. anione oso can luhh .
What colour shirt are you wearing now: sth between white and grey
What were you doing at 7pm:watch tv
Are you a friendly person: dunno .. maybe ..
Do you have any pets: used to ..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now:how i suposed to know ..
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: yes no maybe so
Do you sleep with the TV on: nope . room no tv .
What are you doing right now: doin th quiz thingy and listenin to exam pieces .
Have you ever crawled through a window: nope .
Are you too forgiving: dunno
Are you closer to your mother or father:dunno
Who was the last person you cried in front of: me myself and I
How many people can you say you've really loved: i haf no idea ..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: no.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: yea ..
If you're having a bad day, who are you mostly likely to go to: humans im close to and can trust de .
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: mix
Are you confident: maybe ..
5 things you did 10 years ago:
1. sleeping
2. singing
3. studying
4. eating
5. playing

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. sleep.
2. dl song for ppl
3. tink of dance
4. tink of cheer
5. finish readin book

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. no idea
2. never thought of it before
3. have never thought of that possibility
4. even if i had i wont have any idea
5. dun ask me . i dunno .

5 of my bad habits:
1. childish
2. bein too retarded sometimes
3. tink bout impossible stuff ?
4. use com too much ?
5. lazy ?

5 jobs I've had:
1. JCK student
2. west grove primary student
3. nan hua high student
4. leader for camp
5. tutor

you want do then do lah.

Ok, second quiz.
1 ) The last person who tagged you is :
2 ) Your relationship with him / her is :
3 ) Your impressions on him / her is :
like to play piano ,sing , etc ..
4 ) The most memorable thing he / she had done for you :
go out with me even though she's sick ?
5 ) The most memorable thing he / she said to you :
dun tell you . secret .
6 ) if he / she becomes your lover you will :
first: i not les
second: i will never become one

7 ) If he / she becomes your lover, a thing he / she has to improve on will be :
i already said its not possible
8 ) if he / she becomes your enemy , the reason will be :
have no idea .. never thought of it .
9 ) the most desired thing you wanna do for him / her now is :
hmm .. lemme tink bout it ..
10 ) your overall impression on him / her is :
go eat more luhh ..
11 ) how you think people around you feel about you :
no idea .. how would i know .. i dun ask ..
12 ) the character you love about yourself is :
hmm .. no idea ..
13 ) on the contrary , the character you hate about yourself is :
still no idea ..
14 ) the most ideal person you wanna be is :
still me myself and i
15 ) pass this quiz to 6 people that you wish to know how they feel about you :
1. Nanako
2. sha yue
3. Max
4. Nichol
5. Felicia
6. Johnson

16 ) who is no.6 having a relationship with?(Johnson)
jasmine ..
17 ) what is no.2 studying about?(sha yue)
same as me
18 ) when was the last time you had a chat with no.3?(max)
19 ) Does no.1 have any siblings?(Nanako)
yepps . a bro .
20 ) will you woo no.3?(max)
nope .
21 ) whats the surname of no.5?(fel)
22 ) whats the hobby of no.4?(Nichol)
bein hyper ?
23 ) where is no.2 studying at?(sha yue)
nan hua high school
24 ) talk something casually about no.1?(Nanako)
FISHBALL ! haha ..
25 ) what colour does no.4 like?(nichol)
i dont know.
26 ) are no.1 and 5 best friends?(Nanako&Fel)
nope . they dunno each other .
27 ) how did you get to know no.2?(sha yue)
same class
28 ) does no.1 have any pets?(nanako)
dun tink so ..

finally done .. iwanmedonuts .wadstakinyousolongtocomeback ?inthtaxi ? orstillintheplane ? ohwell . shallgodownloadsongsinthemeantime .

Saturday, November 1, 2008

BOO ! (:

finally can use com n play piano .. super deprived of both luhh .. bud can only use for awhile .. arghhhh ...
these few days tt i din play piano i couldn't sleep at all .. can turn here n dere for dunno how long .. and kip wakin up durin th night n start starin here and dere .. ytd finally managed to play durin worship prac and yaye i coulp slp . n is slp till super shuang dun wan wake up . haha .
holidays .. quite boring .. nth to do ..
ytd went orchard walk walk .. bored ppl do stoopid stuff .. lyk going so far away frm where they stay to walk walk . haha . went wid cousin ,bro and mum . saw th super nice pencil . cost $7 .. mum wanted buy for me bud its spoilt .. and it was th only one left .. sadded .. th pencil really so nice .. bought th matching note book instead .. den rushed for worship prac . luv band 4 loads .

today went yang's hse for th GB camp meetin .. th msges lyk super fun uh .. still got pre and post msg activities .. so much better den kids camp .. n best is leaders got bed to slp on . th kiddies slp either on th floor or slpin bag .. muahaha .. kids camp dun haf .. all on floor .. tis time round really veh little ppl go .. n i needa come up wid sth lyk a dance n a cheer for th camp . muz haf link to theme His story and I and th group name is TOPAZ . actually wanted sapphire .. reaction slower den no choice .. gotta choose sth else .. i still find sapphire nicer .. anione got ideas ? pls help me . tankyew .

oh ya . stil fiddling round wid blogshop stuff .. most probably only cookies ba .. muz support kaay !

enjoy ur holidays and all th best for next year !

reallygottastartworkinrealhard .. resultsarelykshitnow .. whycantifindthsongsiwant .. stoopid ..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

BOO ! (:

two years juz passed too fast .. its juz like sec one was juz ytd .. and * poof * its all gone ..
looking back .. first day of sku .. pri sku friends were all seperated to diff classes .. all of us strangers to each other in their own classes .. all blur blur de .. soon after came OC where we were more bonded .. den came all th exams where we all worked hard tgt .. den came Mid attumn where we worked hard for .. soon came th holidays and den we were all sec two .. first day of sec two . looked ard wonderin where on earth was 206 . found th klass . found it weird to haf sum guy we all din know sittin there . back in class we all learned that he was a new guy . verii quickly he fitted in . and bonded with th klass . exams and all came and went . class outings also came and went . mid autumn came and went too .and soon th last day of sec two came . tried to control not to cry .Qing's letter veh gan dong . i'll never forget you . touched tt XingHui and wanda gave me a card thingy too . and for all those hugs . Ms Wong came in and gave out report books and den her present to us . she started cryin and soon after one by one we all started . last day of sku den realise tt we had such a good teacher .. too late le .. wont forget anione of ur . thank you all for th memories . and All th best to all of ur (:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

206'08 will be missed ..

this is for all you guys and gals . find ur name and read . (:
all of your will be missed .

Angeline : girl , ur super kute ! me 2nd fwen in klass . stil rmbed how i started talkin to you . thx for th memories (:
Clara : thx for everything . will miss ya too .
Hui Shan : thankyou (:
Felicia : thankyou (:
Xing Hui : thanks for ur card and everything . all th best ! (:
Grace : hey drama queen ! 206's mummy (: haha . jy in ur studies and actin yea . drama rocks ! haha (:
Joyce : thankyou (:
Chun Mei :heyy girl ! thx loads for everything . thx for all th memories . i'll miss ya . all th best (:
Zi Qing : Heyy sexxaye ! i'll definitely miss you so so much ! thx for the wonderful memories and all the help u've given me .

sister , i'll miss you loads and ily . all the best for ur studies ya . hope u get the combi of ur choice . (:
SiHong :thankyou (:
ZiHui : thankyou so much for everything (:
Hui Fang : thx loads for everything (: all the best in sec 3 (:
Sha Yue : yue ah ! really got alot to tell you eh . i know i always vent anger on u in klass . n im unpredictable de . thx so much for enduring everything and still never fan lian wid me . haha . i'll really miss sittin wid you nxt year if we're in different klasses .thx for everything . ily
SinYee : we got our ups and downs and fights and thx for everything (:
XinHui : genius ! all th best for ur studies . continue gettin all those As . will miss ya . thx for everything (:
Yi Jie : another ke ai de . me first fwen in klass . thx for acceptin me for who i was and din push me away . though now din talk much i'll still miss you .
Vanessa : thankyou (:
Wanda : heyy babe ! cheer up yea . nxt time if emo in sku come find me kaay ? den we go wal
k round the sku again .can walk as many rounds as you like . haha . yea . can come find me . i pei u kaay (: SMILE (: thx for everything too .
SiNing : thank you (:
MengTing : thankyou (:
Phoebe : thankyou (:
LiTao : thankyou , all th best .
Meng Yeow : chocolate chua ! haha . still dunno why i gave you tt nick . thx for everything (: thx for entertainin me , cheerin me up , makin me lauf , blah blah blah .. appreciate everything . big big THANKYOU for you .
WeiMing : thx loads for everything . last year and this year . all the best for ur basketball (:
derek : thankyou (:
Jason : stil rmb-ed tt i used to talk to you more and yijie ,mengting they all . bud now though neh talk so much le , i'll still miss ya .the fun and laughter u n th guys bring to th klass will never be forgotten .

JianBin : thx for everything . thx for makin lessons so fun and th jokes and everything . thx (: though a lil irritating ur a real nice guy . all th best for dance (:
HaoWen : din even know we were in th same tuition till you told me . haha . still rmb all the competitons all of us had durin tuition . how much money u earned already ah ? uncle still as generous ? haha .it's been a veh long time since i went there . thx for everything .

Hou Chin : thx for all ur sweets (: and wakin me up when cher coming . haha . thx (:
Qian Hao : heyy care- rep ! thx for everything and all th best ! (:
Max : max yeow ! lets hope we'll be in th same klass yea . bud maybe i wont get trip after all . still depends on sci results.. haiish .. juz hope will be same . haha . cultural pot comin ! SM muz work hard horr . haha (:
KaiXin : thankyou (: ur singing is nice de . all the best !
ShaoHui : thankyou (: all th best for ur piano ,studies and badminton .
Quan Jie : yea . u wont be leavin animore .all th best for ur studies and piano and everything . hope u enjoyed ur time wid 206 . (: thankyou for everything .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

BOO ! (:

tired yet not sleepy .bored yet got discs to watch .
lets juz sae sth is wrong with me .
n holidays and weekends are meant to kill me .
maybe i'll start puttin up th pics of stuff i'll be sellin on the blog tt was created bud left to collect dust .
will be th usual stuff luhh .. cookies n chocs .. maybe i'll add in earrings ? idk .. depends on mood ..
went to watch butterfly lovers wid cousins last nite .
tix was sponsored by feli . thx dear (:
movie was nice .
wuzun is hot luhh .
aft movie went walk ard JP . eveywhere closed le lights almost all off . den went home.
saw mum walkin back frm market .
came down frm bus started runnin aft her . ppl mus tink im crazy .. get off bus only start runnin ..
n hair wasn't tied . so imagine how bad i looked .
went home and went to lalaland. n my dream got butterflies . (: haha .
today was okaay (:
n ROGER when u stop suan-ing me ur actually a veh nice guy .
so stop suan-ing me okaay . see i take food for u eh .if nt wait u come out no more le . treat u so nice stil suan me ..
all th best to those havin Os and As . jyjy (:
especially to Sharon , Chong WeiYang , Lek Wei , those in PULSE and i tink tt's all ?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

BOO ! (:

stoopid fone is screwed .. still waitin for either mum or dad de contract over den maybe can get th fone .. mine taken by my bro ..
got back all th results ytd .. hate all of them .. maths paper 2 ..
in front one question u mark th reason wrong . behind u mark rite . i ask why reason wrong .n u said u din wan minus too many of my marks . wad answer is tis . dun wan minus so many marks den gif me tt mark also luhh . i nid two more marks to pass th damm paper . failed history .. couldn't decide between geog or hist bud now i gt a clear answer . i was never cut out to be a hist student . hist will only kill me . so decided on trip + geog and double ( chem & bio ) + geog + e.lit haven't decide on th last option yet .. quite a number of ppl cried ytd too . we'll all work hard tgt ya . den we'll get better results
addicted to secondhand serenade . dunno how i first started listenin to th songs den QJ fone got sum so sent it over and oso went to listen online . and tada . im addicted to th songs . haha .juz hope 206 will be tgt again nxt year . i'll miss all of ur . th fun , tears , laughter , mischief , pranks and all . lookin back , frm day one in sec one till now . strangers to friends . and th bonds , kinda strong . i'll really miss you guys and gals loads . all work hard tgt nxt year , yea .

class chalet . ( left to right ) Qj shirt . super kute la . sum tree . BBQ

my uncle and thomas ong . thomas ong is the guy in the red circle . look alike rite . haha .

Uncle weddin some of the deco and random shots .