Sunday, October 11, 2015

I'm deflated... Like seriously tired... 
Breakdown after breakdown after breakdown... Enough tears to fill buckets (or bottle). 

Work has become a super negative environment .. The ugly side of them finally unleashed .. Attack after attack .. 

I'm tired... Tired of only being seen when needed.. Other times who cares about you.. So what if I don't go drink and all what nots with all of you. Does that make me not worthy of your friendship. If so, how shallow you are. To think I've even treated you as a friend. 

Ugh. What's wrong with this world. I'm mad I'm sad I'm angry. Idk laaaaa. I need the positivity back.. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Home ♡

"This is Home, truly
Where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me
Where that river always flows
This is home, surely
As my senses tell me
This is where I won’t be alone
For this is where I know it’s home" - Home

Home has always been my favorite NDP song since I was a kid. 
Without all that LKY did for us, would we even have this home. 
Whatever he did, country was always on his mind. 
Thank you for leaving behind so many legacies for us. 

Tbh, I've only read about you in textbooks and politics/history was never my thing. All I knew was that you were someone important in shaping Singapore and making her how she is today. 

My mum always said, "without LKY, Singapore is nothing". Well I guess ppl of their generation all feel that way because they experienced the transformation. How we slowly developed under the leadership of a great man and his team. 

These few days, it's like a history crash course. Watching and re watching tv broadcasts of LKY's works and reading various articles shared on social media. 

You showed us that in this selfish world, love still does spring eternal. I really like the love story of Mr & Mrs Lee. The dedication, the commitment and the steadfast love. 

I never remembered queuing so long for something in my life. It really didn't feel like 2-3h. We just moved along with the queue. Seeing how everyone clicked and could just start talking is indeed heartwarming. Singaporeans, foreigners, all united as one. Was quite surprised to see banglahs in the queue too. 

Thank you for leaving behind so many legacies. Water, transport, clean&green, law&order, education, armed forces. Thank you for making this home such a safe and good place for us. 

You've fought the good fight. There aren't enough thankyous to thank you for all that you did. You will always be remembered. 

Thank you Sir ♡ 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Another day without your smile, another day just passes by.
But now I know, how much it means. 
For you to stay, right here with me. 

I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna die lying in your arms.
I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna be looking in your eyes.
I wanna be there for you, sharing in everything you do.
I wanna grow old with you. "

Do you know, being in your arms and in your embrace is the safest place I can ever be. Feeling the warmth from you, knowing you'll protect me from all the shit that the world may throw. 

You let me see how to love a person and how to put others more before self. You help me become a better me. 

"Real love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. It isn't just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling--it's a deliberate choice--a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health. Real love is about weathering the storms of life together. Love is so much more than some random, euphoric feeling. And real love isn't always fluffy, cute, and cuddly. More often than not, real love has its sleeves rolled up, dirt and grime smeared on its arms, and sweat dripping down its forehead. Real love asks us to do hard things--to forgive one another, to support each other's dreams, to comfort in times of grief, or to care for family. Real love isn't easy--and it's nothing like the wedding day--but it's far more meaningful and wonderful. 
 "No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice." "

Love isn't easy. &it definitely isn't always fluffy and cute and ohsomagical. But thankyou for forgiving me time and time again. & for always being so supportive and always there in times of joy and grief and everything. 

Thankyou for never ever leaving me. Despite all the unfluffy and ugly times. 

You helped me see how much I can truly love . By chance we met, by choice we stay together. I give you my unconditional commitment. To love you always. From now till the end of time. To love and to cherish and to hold, in sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do us part.