this is just random but its to all my beloveds clique and other beloveds .
nanako - heyy baby fishball ! :D . my crapping and super random partner . lol . its been three years . dont loose yourself anymore . later must buy butterfly net chase after you t catch you . haha . my ears are always open for you . available twentyfour seven . and it aint a crime t like ppl .and my fishball yes you can help me . my maths is dying ... its needs you . lol . ♥
Huizhen - heyy dear ! :D thank you so much for everything . yes i know i rant alot about clique stuff . th disagreements and all . thankyou for listening and for encouraging and for everything . also thankyou for that night during camp .iloveyou loads ♥
Xueting - hey mummy ! :D . i promise t stop gang-ing you .but maybe sometimes i still will . haha . we all gang you then ur face damm red . haha . hope ur sunburn getss better soon . thankyou for everything . late night smses and everything . and for trusting me with ur stuff . ♥
Denise - heyy grandmother lime ! ur like super random .th msges can be huh . okaay . so i know tt night . a little misunderstanding . xueting told me you were already pissed before tt . i guess i should have been more patient .. and for everything there will confirm be someone last t know . we all got tt feeling before . and no ur not left out or insignificant . ur still super important t us . ♥
Wanying - heyy zhuu ! damm long since i last went out with you . you super skiinny luhhs . my one hand can hug all of you already . eat more . you and ur sunflower seeds . i shall buy you alot next year . wait you become another hamtaro . haha . i know this year things didn't go very smoothly but we shall make next year a better year . alrights ? ♥
Tianlan - heyy sky blue/mummy ! idk if you'll be reading this but here goes . thankyou for listening t all my shet and i know i sound horrible on th phone when im crying . anyway . enjoy urself in china . this year aint too good too . we shall make next year a better year . yes i know you not really my mummy . but anyway . idc . so yeah . haha . we shall high and hyper until th sky fall down . ♥
Shayue - yes , Shayue , you too . always kena bully by somebody during drama . haha . its been great everythings been cleared . go out more lahh . dont everyday hide at home . sunlight is good for you . lol . ♥
weixiang - yes you too . my brother . my best friend . thankyou for being such a great listening ear . i think you cant stand my crap anymore right . haha . thankyou for always being there for me . t comfort and encourage me . or just talking bout random stuff . thankyou for all those beautiful songs . i really appreciate everything . and i cant express my feelings in words . thankyou for all th 大道理 when im crying or in a super bad mood . thankyou so much . ♥
william - i know i've been super slack and most of th work done by you . thankyou for everything too . during tt period of time thankyou for telling me all th 大道理 and trying t help me along . thankyou . ♥
*list not complete . shall continue another day .
back from obs . still got th feeling like i inside jungle .waking up t see my room and not nichol or cheryl or yu min . kinda weird . haha . first day forget what we did . second day we got mini expedition where we walked from one end of ubin t th other t get t the other camp site then do high elements . dinner tt day was th best . then at night super funny . caz next day if we want t go toilet must dig hole so after dinner we all go mass shet . third day was th land expedition . again carry th super super heavy bag go from one check point t another . monfort ppl doing all their echo-ing songs . and alden i got smile when you asked us to . you never see only . not just when dayah ask me to then i smile . haha .dinner was sort of like campfire style liddat . but no camp fire . all sit around th place we cook and eat . shared th maggie with nichol and nicholas . everything was normal until some effed up bitch come gl and scold like nobody buisness . stoopid bitch . anyway . a big thankyou t alden , nichol , nicholas , huizhen , sirchao and another person . dunno th name . fourth day got sea ex . one kayak three ppl . went with ppl from th other group . my own group nobody want me . sad right . lol . so kayaked with zachary and weijie . was fun . can have chance t cool down and enjoy th scenery and forget bout th stuff tt happened th night before . though i dunno them their super nice . especially zac . sorry tt i accidentally hit ur lip with th paddle . and no ur not irritating . doing th counting while we paddle really helps . thankyou for ur orange skin . haha . and weijie if th kayak really capsize , everytime i see you in sku i wack you . haha . super scary luhh . he can fall asleep practically anywhere . even in th kayak . first half zac sit in front later half weijie sat in front . at th back i scared already he sit in front even scarier . even though keep crashing into mangroves and twigs and everything. we still braved th storms and had a great time . haha . friday lunch was fun . all our hands were tied tgt .then we had t eat and drink liddat . super funny . drinking was quite tricky . hairul whole time di siao then cant drink . saying goodbye wasnt really tt hard . no one really bothered too anyway . haha . but still i'll miss th monfort ppl and yu min and hairul . th other two . nah . unless pigs can fly i wont .
so after five days . thirty over mosquito bites . and bruises and muscle pain . but anyway . was fun .
thankyou alden for sending out all th numbers and email i'll get from you another day .
maths was okaay .. rained super heavy so camped in sku till two plus . spent th time half talking and half reading with two ppl who i dont i usually mix with . and hey their harmless . nice ppl . haha .lunch was kinda like provided by them . haha .
nobody's home .. so lonely .. nobody online also .. sac all alone is her sad sad screwed up world ..
she stoopidly left her chem test paper in th sku toilet ytd and good thing th nice nice auntie never throw away .
she hates t be accused of things tt she didn't do and when ppl doubt her when what she's saying is th truth . it really seriously pisses her off alot . rawr . i feel like picking up th phone and calling someone and talk for who knows how long . there's too much going on .. but . i dunno who t call . i dunno who t talk to . some kind nice person just call me ? i really dunno who t call ..
idk how t express how i feel luhh . idk how t get rid of this feeling .. crying . nope . it doesnt work no more .
piano doesnt work either . most likely i'll just end up crying again .. i dont want t cry no more . i want t be happy . i want t be like last time . dunno anything at all . th innocent and carefree little kid . jojo dont go . i dont want you to . but i suppose tt's all up t you . you've been like a super great big sister t all of us and week after week we're all asking where you are and we do miss you . when are you coming back ? i miss you alrights . dont throw me alone . you promised t be there for me . thru th whole project . dont go alright .you need not be an enemy of god just t be friends with th world or find happiness in th world . man where's th jo i used t know . yes i know we cant stop you from choosing which path you want t take but if you deciede t leave this path there will be this empty spot there . we all need you in one way or another ... i really dunno what im talking about anymore .. please stay . pretty please . i've grown quite attached t you over time . please say you'll stay ...
nov's gonna be busy .. go back sku almost every other day plus all th other stuff ..
drama cip went t some old folks home and childcare . ofh super fail .. doubt th ppl understand what we talking at all . but suprisingly OFH more fun .
bored like shet . think i have th book where paul ling got th physice hw from but i cant find it .. and my printer print out cant even see a single thing .
lies is a super nice song . including heartbreaker and breathe and all th big bang songs . but im still addicted t lies .
shall let this place rot and grow cobwebs die or wdv ..
istilllovethrainandthfeelingofwalkinginthrainislikesupernice .
ishouldstopthinking.thinkingwillonlykillmybraincells.whyamilikesuddenlythinkingofallththingsinthpast ..