Wednesday, July 30, 2008


its a wednesday! hahaha. tomorrow's a thursday. got australian maths thingy.. sian.. den miss out on drama. summore ernie tomorrow not coming.. den two weeks no yoga.. stoopid.. yoga damm fun luhh.. ernnie never come den not fun le.
monday pt quite fun. except the part where i injured. hahaha. whole drama spilt into 3 grps den play captain ball n den nid run 5 rounds round sku. each grp play 2 match. play finish first den start of 2nd toe pain till cannot take it. take of shoe see no stone or rock or pebble. take off sock tio shock. skin came off. can see the inside. hahaha. so if ur noticed i walkin abit funny. so tt's the reason. haha.
today super high. aft meet TL n SY den walked to sku den in parade square high already. thru the day become more high. hahaha. aft sku go eat wid jinyee, sinyee and lan. den went JEC. did stuff dere. went library. did stuff dere too. went home. watch abit tv. go out eat. wore Qing gve me de earrings. thx dearie! luv the earrings alot.
finally i realised i was so wrong. when ppl said u had attitude problem i din believe them.i chose to believe tt u were nice. bud thx for proving me wrong. thx for showing me ur wonderful attitude and thx for letting me realize tt my judgement was wrong.( it may be a he/she/it. happy guessing if u wan. if wan noe who can ask me. or guess who it is urself )

dan n viv leavin.. super sad.. dan leave no one pei me celebrate bdae le. viv leave den no one pei me go music le. i'll miss all of ur super loads uh. although got risks bud i believe ur can do it de. all the best! muz rmb all of us uh. hahaha. i dun wan tis year to end.. i dun wan nxt year to come. i'll miss all of ur so so much.. drama n sku's gonna be so different widout ur. muz come back visit uh.

shall go do chi or go slp.. dun feel lyk doin chi aniway.. super boring.. dun do cher oso wont realise. its lyk zuo ye do dunno how many mths now den go thru uh. den still got ppl haven do.. dun care.. shall go slp ba... or maybe play game.. or maybe listen music... or maybe read... hahaha.. no idea.. hahaha...

Sunday, July 27, 2008


maths and pw scrambled my brains.. its super tired now.. shall continue maths tomorrow..
koup-ed frm dan.. do it to restore scrambled brains. haha. doubt it works aniway.

Starting time: 9:42pm..
Name: Sac (:
Sisters: None..
Brothers: yea. fortunately oni one. animore n i'll go crazy
Shoe size: dunno? tink is 42 ba.. so maybe 8 or 9 or 10.. no idea..
Height: 1.6++m..
Where do you live: Singapore la.. where else..
Favourite drink:dunno eh.. shld be green tea ba.
Favourite breakfast: nothing. (:
Have you ever been on a plane: Yea
Do you smile often: no idea?
Are your toenails painted: nope and not planning to either
Whose bed other than yours would you want to sleep in: parents? bro? ani bed tt not hard can le.
What colour shirt are you wearing now:black PULSE camp shirt (:
What were you doing at 7pm: doing maths..
Are you a friendly person: no idea.. ask those ard me..
Do you have any pets:used to have bud currently no. wishes to haf one or two though..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: depends on wad kind of feeling lorr..
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: haha. yea. forgot who bud he or she means alot to me if not i wont hold he or she de hand.
Do you sleep with the TV on: sumtimes bud most of the time no.
What are you doing right now: Doing tis. listening music.
Have you ever crawled through a window: nope
Are you too forgiving: dunno?
Are you closer to your mother or father: mother ba..
Who was the last person you cried in front of: no one? father? forgot.. been crying too much recently..
How many people can you say you've really loved: hmm.. i dunno? bud i tink got quite a few ba.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: haha. nope. din take ani. haha.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: yea..
If you're having a bad day, who are you mostly likely to go to: depends.. bud usually is the same few.. i tink they noe who they are.. haha.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: mixture ba.
Are you confident: no idea?
5 things you did 10 years ago: play. watch barney. play with barney. watch kiddy shows. bring teletubbies out when i go out.
5 things on my to-do list today: sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. n sleep summore..
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: pay medical bill for grandfather. bill now is super lot. bet u cant guess it. donate it away? buy the stuff i wan? gif parents? buy stuff for ppl?
5 of my bad habits: too many.. lazy to tink..
5 jobs I've had: student. student. student. student. and student summore..
PEOPLE WHO MUST DO THIS NO MATTER WHAT: you. he. she. it. they. we. anione. everyone.

i wanna put earring.. bud its seriously irritating me.. put already pain.. den sku cant put either.. guess its era sticks forever ba.. den all earrings put in a box n collect dust.. yayye...


Its's Sunday! kaay i noe tt's a lil stoopid..
tis the 2nd time i almost cried durin worship.. wads wrong wid me.. im going crazy.. wait.. im already crazy.. ah.. dun care.. hahaha..
supposed to be doin maths.. bud lazy go do.. forgotten all bout matrices quiz.. hahaha.. if the area thingy got test sure fail.. dun even understand wad LGK talkin bout.. haha.
nxt week nid play piano.. haven gotten the songs.. so dead.. haha.. den for dialect de nxt week i dun wan play wan slack.. caz of sum reason.. den all not happy.. i dun wan play cannot mehh.. its not lyk dialect oni one pianist wad.. is ur when plan schedule sae one week dun haf pianist de. other 3 weeks haf. so nxt week is the dun haf ppl play den i not playing ur not happy. my fault izzit.. schedule oso not i plan de..
Jason TAN b'dae coming.. no money buy present.. shall go make sth for him. jason super nice!
involved in Christmas outreach concert thingy. had no idea den aft service Roger read out whole long list of names den got mine. super suprised. caz usually i not involved in anything. den he n Jason explain everything. den gif out slips of paper wid the role ur supposed to be. opened the paper. the word PROPS staring back at me.. first reaction was ' sian... in sku oso nid do props.. out of sku oso do props.. ' bud nvm.. i shall do it. i will do nice nice. haha. bud i dun tink will turn out nice lorr. caz competition the props mostly all winnie dearie made de. shall try real hard to make them turn out nice. ur muz go watch the concert thingy kaays. when date come out den invite ur go watch. tis is 2nd time involved. first was p6. be narrator for the play thingy. not fun. tis time round shld be more fun! hahaha.
kaay.. shall go do maths now..
Qing is back! missed her lyk crap.. miss Ben lyk crap too.. although he not here cell still got laughter bud not as much.. miss him so so much..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


piano went well today.. hahaha.. meng yeow blog song is nice. shall get him to send me if he has it in his fone.. haha.. din haf geog test today.. made me study n den no test.. fell asleep while studying.. hahaha.. slept 4 hour plus.. couldn't really sleep.. feeling super cold.. den jacket in sku.. haha.
went sku. din do anything much. gonna die in maths.. i passed chinese. hahaha. budden got retest.. sian.. chem oso got retest if got ppl fail.. n i din study.. dun care all that. now i oni noe i dunno how to do pe, pt or yoga thingy liao.. dunno why leg injured or bone pain or dunno wad luhh. last week was left leg den left okaay liao become right leg.. stoopid..
im crazy. room no fan on or window open n im cold. sumthing is verii wrong.. hahaha..
shall go eat now..

Sunday, July 20, 2008


im confused.. Caleb doin projectionist den rite at the back at the hall sae cant hear the keyboard. bud how come the others can hear den sae its well played? i really dunno.. now im even more confused.. zac told me sumone sae its too loud.. i guess everyone sense different ba.. haha.. first time play alone den ben not ard to hear.. haiish.. hope he's doin well in shanghai.. 5 mth n 30 days more.. tt's super long.. wait he come back oni can speak chinese.. hahaha..

zoo was fun! when im free den put pics. i haven study history or geog.. im so dead.. haha.. YO! aft the chalet super bonded. last time was lyk gals wid gals guys wid guys. now is mix le. so happy. hahaha. aft service went to the zoo. got free passes frm Ben's mum. went wid Steph, Sabrina, Ai Lin, XiuYun,Caleb n arnold. tt's not whole cell. still got more. went walkin round. watch the dunno wad show. oni noe got the splash word in it. haha. seals super kute. den go walk ard summore. went fragile forest. so many mouse deer n butterfly. one white de landed on my bag.. haha.. wan take pic den flew away.. went walkin ard summore. den went take bus. waited super long. den crapped on the mrt. den bus-sed home. i wanna sleep.. hahaha.. surviving on green tea now.. haha..

kaay.. wan go study le.. haha..

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Band 4 still rawks alot! zach/zac super nice. caz tis week he play for adult so i play for youth service. den aft his finish he come down to mph first thing go find me ask can or not. den gave me advice on stuffs. ZhiQiang also verii nice. gave tips on how to improvise the song. talked to everyone except Lek Wei. guess he's the more quiet kind ba. haha. Lian Khup joining band 4 too! super happy. super long never talk to him or see him le. haha. had lots of fun last nite.

thurs drama was fun. cinderbaba rawks! when im using main com den upload the vid for ur to see. drama oni got sec 1 and 2 so got more space to do the yoga stuff. alvin expressions super funny den lauf lauf lauf. den during break the trainer go to where viv, shayue n me standing den sae tis one uh. very strong eh. do already lyk got nth. smiling and laufing. i look at her den hmmm.. den never talk finish den he walk away den i was lyk huh? is caz alvin make me lauf if not i dunno wad i doin already.. haha..

nth much already.. gonna edit fwenster profiles and pics now.. the pics all super old le.. hahaha..

galfwen.. im realy sorii. dun angry le kaays. sorii..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


im dead. so verii dead. worship songs out of the six i oni noe three. tis week i playing alone.. zac/zach/ ??(dunno how spell) not playing wid me.. die already lorr.. last time nervous stil got ppl help dunno stil can ask.

went the KWSH aft sku. no mood to go.. bud still went. got accomplishment eh. forgot wad already.. hahaha.. played songs i never knew i could play. budden the keyboard thingy no pedal. sound produced not nice.. suprised tt they noe the hokkien songs. not normal de. is those christian de. haha. no one cared aniway. den aft talkin to the old ppl n playing the keyboard thingy. went outside the room thingy dere slack.

i dun wan be care rep le.. everytime got ppl gen wo qiang gong zuo den if i din realise tt ppl not here or they din get anything den its all my fault. is ppl gen wo qiang gong zuo ma. den how i noe if i supposed take or not.

shall go find songs now..

go Mt. E instead of SGH. Mt E is way better den sgh. SGH gave up bud MT. E didn't. and look was happened. his condition stable le. bud dunno how long more can be sustained. haha. now the big problem is money. caz Mt. E more ex. haha. so go Mt. E instead of SGH uh. haha.

thx alot alot alot. you noe who you are. (: thx for everything. sorii if u got scolded or wad caz of last nite. haha. bud really thx alot. almost one hour of staring at the toilet bowl. hahaha. the talk was kinda rettarded bud yea. thx alot alot alot. takkaire of urself ya. rmb. for pianists the most important thing is the hands. so take good care of them. (:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


warning. recently im emotionally n mentally unstable so if i scream at you for no reason or wad try to understand and if suddenly verii high or cry or wad oso try to understand. tankyew.

first wan tank the ppl who cheered me up n care for me. haha. not in any order. Josel.TianLan. Carissa. ShaYue.Nichol.Apple.Leon.WeiXiang.ZiQing.SinYee.MengYeow. oni rmb all these. haha. thx for the hugs n msges and stuffs. haha. most of all ShaYue dearie who's always been there for me.when i first read the msg i couldn't take it or accept the fact.content of the msg.dun wan tell ur.its sth correct le.den started crying.she pei me go toilet for dunno how long den aft tt walk back to klass i started crying outside back door dere again.she still pei me.never make ani noise.den aft tt go into klass i juz sit dere do nth eye water-y de.lunch go find TianLan.lunch was the worst.before tt i juz ren n forcing myself not to cry.den aft tt lunch see TL cant ren anymore.started crying lyk shyt. those who saw better forget how i look lyk. caz i look verii bad. haha.

went drama aft tt caz mummy sure wont allow me go tt place find them juz concentrate super hard on all those n block out everything bud in the end i still feel super lost. den mummy came home awhile den went back to the place again. felt super lost. super confused. super scared. super worried. n even developed fear of ringing fones. it may sound stoopid to ur bud if ur goin thru wad im going thru den maybe its not stoopid animore.

i dun wanna come home everyday n face an empty house. so dark. so empty. no one to talk to. juz me myself n i at home. no laughter. no nth. sumtimes i juz nid a hug to feel better. bud no one's there. no one to talk to. lyk last nite i couldn't slp. i wanted to find sumone for a hug. bud daddy n bro slping le. den mummy not in. i really wished tt she could be sittin beside me telling me everything would be alright and nth would go wrong.n gif a hug to reassure tt nth will go wrong. bud no. i was sittin on the bed staring at the rain for i dunno how long den couldn't slp at all. kept waking up. wanted to cry along with the rain. kaay im crazy. bud really couldn't. no water liao. n eyes still pain frm all the crying during lunch. so juz sat there staring at the rain.. finally fell asleep at one plus.. din really sleep well..

i wish everything will be okaay. no hurt no nth. if its ur will to take him away so tt he wont suffer anymore pls prepare all of us mentally n emotionally. n take him peacefully n not when he's struggling. i dun wanna see him in pain animore. it hurts to see him in tis state. n everyone else liddat too.

galfwen.. if i really cry real bad in sku will u really be there for me? i really dunno how long i can ren animore. i'll really go crazy if sth happens.. when tt time comes n its in sku n if its during lessons will u still be there? haha. i dunno.. well maybe its too much to ask frm you ba. thx loads for ytd. (:

Friday, July 11, 2008


bwah.. cant do anything much with stomach dere de muscle super pain. leg now not pain le. shoulder still bearable.. n why? caz of drama de training. haha. oni alvin is the weird one. he sae not pain.. haha.. if ytd got pt or today got pe den i die le.. haha.. stomach still the worse.. sit or stand muz be super straight den not tt pain. bud feeling veh weird.. haha.. den lie down jiu cannot move liao.. if move is super pain.. haha.. bud all these training got use de! wanna noe wad reason den go join drama! hahaha.. now noe why sku dunwan ernnie to come on mondays. if not monday n thurs we do same thing will pain till dunno lyk wad already.. hahaha..

luv all sec2 drama ppl loads. sorii tt i couldn't manage to go back with all of ur ya. nxt week den go back with all of ur. promise.

mummy come fetch me eh. first time uh. so gan dong. haha. stood at taxi stand dere waiting. saw QING n choir ppl all soaking wet. hope they dun fall sick. den i stand dere nth to do so juz stare blankly into space. oso looking at the rain. haha.

today lessons all kinda fun lorr. except physics.. t'cher veh qiang uh. no demo no nth juz call us do the circuit thingy.. den in the end din do. slacked n crapped for whole one hour. haha. the thingy where had to go field de was bad.. verii bad.. jiahwee dearie got nose bleed. den no one got tissue. den when asking ard for tissue the toopid yong tao come ka chiau.. den wasted almost half an hour dere.. waste time..

tt's all le lorr.. boring person got no life. all standard de.. hahaha.

koup-ed frm william. looks fun. haha

1. The person who last tag you is: Meng Yeow
2. Your relationship with him/her is: friend
3. Your five impression of him/her: eh.. nice. helpful. hardworking? commited in cca? i dunno?
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: eh i dunno? shld be when i not veh happy tt time den listen to all the crap i sae lorr. haha.
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you: i duuno? dun talk much. haha.
6.If he/she become your lover, you will : hmm.. i dunno lehh.. caz it wont happen.. haha..
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: start talking more. haha.
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: eh.. dun talk to him? no idea.. caz i tink it wont happen..
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: make him angry?
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is: eh... dunno lehh.. no idea..
11. Your overall impression of him/her is: good fwen lorr.
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?: no idea.. different ppl different impression. maybe sum retard tt's super random lorr.
13. The characters you love of yourself are: being rettarded
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are: lazy..
15. The most ideal person you want to be is: more disciplined, less stupid, less sarcastic.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: thx for everything. for being there for me when i nid sumone. thx for caring and giving me advice whenever i needed it. thx alot for everything. luv all of ur loads.
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:
1.Sha Yue
2. Meng Yeow
3.Sin Yee
4. Max
5. Zi Qing
9. Wei Xiang
10. Winnie

18. Who is no.6(Nichol.) having relationship with? no one i tink?
19. Is no.9(Wei Xiang) a male or female? eh.. MALE
20. If no.7(Apple ) and 10(Winnie) are together, will it be a good thing? ehh, no? lesbian sia.
22. What is no.2(Meng Yeow) studying about? no idea?
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3(SinYee)? aft sku n in the mrt.
24What kind of music band does no.8(Sherlyn) like? dunno eh.. dunno her tt well.. if never rmb wrong maybe is techno ba. heard her sae before.. haha.. not sure though.
25. Does no.1(ShaYue) have any siblings? nope
26. Will you woo no.3(Sin Yee)? eh nope.
27. How about no.7(Apple )? stil no.
28. Is no.4(Max) single? yes. i think. =X
29. What is the surname of no.5(ZiQing)? Lee.
30. What 's the hobby of no.4(max)? i haf no idea.
31. Does no.5(Zi Qing) and 9(Wei Xiang) get along well? i dunno.. they noe each other bud dun talk lorr.
32. Where is no.2(Meng Yeow) studying at? Nan Hua High
33. Talk something casually about no.1(ShaYue): CUTE!
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8(Sherlyn)? nope. i not les. haha.
35. Where does no.9(Wei Xiang) live at? sumwhere in Jurong. dunno exact location bud haf rough idea..
36. What colour does no.4(Max) like?no idea..
37. Are no.5(ZI Qing) and 1(Sha yue) best friends? i duno?
38. Does no.7(Apple) like no.2(Meng Yeow)? nope.
39. How do you get to know no.2(MEng Yeow)? same klass.
40. Does no.1(Sha Yue) have any pets? nope.
41. Is no.7(apple) the sexiest person in the world? i duuno...
42. What do you think no. 10(winnie) is doing right now? hmm. msn-ing. reading blogs? doin stuff?

i wan cranberry juice! kaay.. tt's random.. whole day been wanting to drink it. miss the taste of it. haha..
20+++ more days! hahaha.. try to rmb or figure out wad it is if u can. hahahaha.

The Reason

enjoy the song(: though muz wait for it to load.. lyrics quite meaningful. its a nice song. was used for PULSE annivarsary too.. enjoy(:

The Reason
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learningI never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a resaon for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over newand the reason is You [x4]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


piano exam coming.. all exams coming.. im die-ing.. cleverly injured one of me finger on the bus on the way to jurong point.. din hold onto anything den it biang-ed into the railing thingy. summore is main finger used for one of the exam piece.. if me mum noe she gonna kill me..
tis morning raining. i lazy take umbrella den i was lyk. mummy send me go bus-stop can? instead of saying yes the reply i got super nice. " u still baby uh?" its lyk other parents will de lorr. den everyday see parents sending their kids to sku den i'll rmb all the times n juz wonder why cant i haf all tt too. haha. bud in the end she still sent me to bus-stop. n i got scolded juz caz the pioneer pri sku kids blocking the way den to walk to the other side got wet. not my fault rite. who call all those ppl stand dere block the whole sheltered way. still scold me. dun care all tt. saw KEN penguin when reached clem.. he din see me though.. ken super kute. haha. den went sku. forgot do wad. oni noe recess de discussion topic veh interesting. haha. rubberband broke. ended up lookin lyk sum retard wid the style i tied. in the end gave up. juz let all down.
supposed to be doin lit.. nid do synopsis thingy. dun feel lyk doin. wanna go to sleep.. i nid my teddybear.. head piak-ing le.. super pain..

BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN!!!! im gonna miss you lyk crap. for the rest of the year.. i dunno how cell will be lyk widout you. i cant imagine it.. no more ppl to suan. haha. no luhh. BEN feels luved when ppl suan him ma. so nobody le so no luv. haha. no luhh. juz gonna miss you alot lorr. muz takkaire of urself in china ya. rmb drink more water. slp early. take care of urself. dun fall sick. n the list juz goes on n on.. conclusion : BEN im gonna miss u super lots. muz tink of all of us uh. haha. hope u'll enjoy ur b'dae over there. yea. i noe its still a long way to go. bud ya. i'll get a present n save it till you come back. takkaire of urself kaays. i'll miss u super super lots.

NDP was nice. especially fireworks and black knights. super nice. rmb to watch uh. haha.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


kaays. so as shayue said. not worth it gettin sad or wad caz of them. its super not worth. ya. i shldn't haf cared bout wad you said. aft bu xiao xin ting dao all the shyt ur were saying i became super moodless. thx alot for ya. helped me realise lots of stuffs.

tankyew tianlan n leon n carissa n wei xiang for helping me become happy ytd. kaays so i was affected all the way frm before recess to lunch. durin recess went find TL den juz sat dere tryin real hard not to cry. den wad she said made alot of sense.i shall work on all tt n pass each day happily. (: still veh moodless during lessons.bud durin lunch really cheered up alot. went talk to all the 3 of them. den caz leon lyk pocky ma. den i was lyk eh at home i stil haf pocky. den i dunno wad WX heard it as den super funny. kaay so started laufing. den ya. lunch was great. thx alot.

its raining(: goin watch NDP rehearsal thingy later.. got tix frm ah yi. haha. can watch twice tis year. hope its nice. still rmb last year watch it at home. lyin on the sofa den watch. den dunno wad sku or wad de dance super boring den fell asleep. den oni woke up at fireworks part. haha. tis year got NH de dancers. i tink? haha. hope can see them later. haha. so now waiting for ah yi to come pick. her time is always... i was almost late for sku once caz was waiting for her to send caz take cab together caz i bringing the lantern thingy to sku. haha. n i tink im goin to be liddat too. fone de time is screwed. its lyk it can be accurate den later part of the day become screwed. lyk it was 8 n my fone show 730++ oni..

kaay. shall end here now.. she's coming soon..

im gonna miss all you dearies tt goin for summer camp. drama gonna be so different widout all of ur. michelle.. nichol.. n many more.. i'll miss all of ur. muz be careful n take care of urselves uh. hope ur dun get injured or fall sick or anything. will miss all of ur super lots.

n i miss phoebe chia loads too... hope she's doin well in Cedar.. come back soon ya. we all miss you alot.

Friday, July 4, 2008


thx alot ya. i treated you as a fwen bud in the end wad are you. nth bud the same type as the rest. wads ur problem. i treated you as a fwen n i trusted you and i helped you and ya. n now wads your problem. mixing with those kind of ppl n doin all the same stuffs as them to others. what are you. nth else. same type as all of them de. thx alot ya. for helpin me realise i shld trust you no more . n frm now on. ur nth else bud a fwen which i hate. tankyew for helpin me realise tt fact tt ur no different from the rest

Wednesday, July 2, 2008



missing out on tv n stuffing my brain with exam pieces. luv Rumba Toccata lyk.. dunno how describe. kaays so i managed not to cry today. yaye. phoebe super sweet uh. wrote a msg for everyone on the board. gal i seriously miss you a lot. when you come back tell me ya. so i can bake stuffs for you(:

lit test was easy. failed chem for the first time ever. i cant believe it uh. its lyk i studied n i still failed. well tt's life isn't it. n u noe wad i tink hou chin passed. how amazing is tt. is lyk he dunno de see mine n ya you get the picture. tankyew daddy for sort of cheerin me up. gonna fail the chem spelling. so many blanks.

went drama. slacked n played. den had pt. yea we're all crazy ppl. all agree best part of cca is pt. oops.. we're all crazy. n i noe sum ppl dun lyk it bud we luv it. haha. whole big group went take mrt together. super fun. den the way alvin drink milk is super scary uh. one hour can drink lyk i dunno how many packets. today saw him drinkin two. haha.

mrt-ed n bus-ed home. super tired now. haven memorise all lyrics. tomorrow from no face become even more no face le. dammit.. got comments juz sae into my face ya. dunnid sae it all behind our backs. n backstab us n all the crap. SAE IT INTO OUR FACES. tankyew.

shall transfer songs to my fone den go slp.. before i turn frm sum crazy retard to sum zombie.

n i dun hate u or treat you coldly or wad. its juz tt both of ur stand dere den if i go talk to you or wad is veh extra so i rather go find lan or carissa or stay in klass the whole time.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


the contents of the post is not meant for anione or any human or wad. its juz venting frustration n crap stuffs. so ya. its not meant for anyone at all. even if u tink im lying den too bad,ya. caz its not meant for anyone at all.

my blog = my life = wad i wan. so if u dun lyk emo posts den scram. tankyew
i finally noe why ppl go cut themselves. if u never try it u'll tink its stoopid bud after you do you'll understand why. aft cutting urself all u tink about is the pain you inflicted on urself and nothing else. n it sort of takes you away from reality for sum time. helps you forget everything tt's hurting you. bud aft tt u look at the scars and den the fear of letting ur parents find out caz they'll kill you. its lyk you'll be tinkin worth it or not. i get scars budden i forget all my pain n stuffs for a period of time. kaays i noe its stoopid. bud yea. tt's all.

well a certain sumone's/ppl's blog helped me alot. frm reading his/hers/its/their posts gained lots of stuffs. n so shall koup parts n come up wid sth since today i freakin moodless.

"love is giving someone the ability to hurt you, yet trusting them not to"
wads hurt? wads love? i haf no freakin idea. yea. i trusted you n tt you wouldn't hurt me bud time and time again you betrayed the trust. thx alot ya.

" i want to cry, i really do, but i guess i just dun wanna give you the satisfaction of knowing that you've hurt me again "
inside of me. no one noes wads goin on. no one except me myself and i and god. he noes wad im goin thru rite nw n all the super tough times im going thru. sumtimes i juz bottle everything up inside of me den force myself not to cry bud yea tt doesnt help a single bit at all. i may look happy n strong on the outside bud actually on the inside im actually veh weak. not strong at all. i may appear happy bud tt's not who i am. dun belive den too bad. go tink. wad cca im in n wad we do durin cca. we muz be in character. n even if u super moodless or wad n ur character is the opposite you still need to force yourself to be in character. tt's how i do it. i juz dun wanna cry in front of all of ur. i dun wanna let your tink ur succeded in hurting me. bud u noe wad i juz cant help it. sumtime i juz break down n cry real bad. ya. so now tt ur noe all tis isnt it satisfaction to all of ur tt ur noe ur succedded in hurtin me time n time again. well i hope you do. caz i really appreciate all the hurt. it juz makes me even more depressed den i already am. thx alot. crying. does it solve anything at all? no. it juz helps me sleep. i cant slp properly at nite animore. i'll juz cry myself to sleep. crazy rite. well tt's wad i am. so i dun care. well now i dun juz cry at nite. its lyk thruout the day so many times i feel lyk crying. well it gives certain ppl satisfaction. bud you tink i care. NO. i dun. juz have all the satisfaction n all tt u wan. i dun gif a shyt animore.

" you can't stop loving a person, but you can learn to live without them"
well ya. its my emotions isn't it. i haf the freedom to choose ya. it isnt easy bud i'll try to get rid of the damm feeling n let you go. its no point holding on. its lyk the kite. it wan fly den u pull the string den will break wad. so is no point.lyk wad a certain sumone said when you love sumone you should set them free. i juz realised i been decieving myself for the past few months. not only to myself bud to others. n how. i kip saying i got over it all bud yea tt's all a lie n i haf been living somfortably in it till i recently visited reality again n finally saw what you really wanted. so ya. i'll let you go. thx for all the memories bud yea. the hurt its all still dere.

okaay. enuf crapping. shall go print lyrics now. before i loose face in front of all the taiwan ppl n principals. who cares aniway. already lost it all last week. juz broke down during drama n cried in front of all the ppl in drama.


thx alot ya. you crushed my world n now ur leavin after u destroyed everything. i dun tink its fun at all. bud in aniway thx alot. now i noe who to trust n who not to. really appreciate all the destruction n hurt u caused. my life i s in a mess now. i appreciate it alot. a big thankyou to you.